
The Sell Sheet: (A shorter and often less expensive approach)
If you cannot convey your ideas in an impactful way, you are dead in the water. That’s the truth! When it comes to product licensing, sell sheets are the answer. A good sell sheet makes the person who views it...
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Tea Kettle Concept Page Example
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When I start a new project it is often necessary to create several concept ideations to establish a design direction with the client. This page is an example of a rough design. It offers features, notes, some dimensions, some rendering...
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The New Improved Website is here!
I can help you with Product Design, Industrial Design, 3d Modeling in Solidworks, Product Rendering and Animation and development for your new big idea! Welcome to my new improved website layout! Living and working in Boulder, Colorado has been great....
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Kyle Cunniff 3d printing Blog 1
Solidworks for 3d printing functional prototypes for Industrial Design
I use Solidworks for 3d printing functional prototypes for Industrial Design. 3d printing has quickly become the norm for prototyping quick parts and prices have fallen dramatically to 3d print parts. Even software such as solidworks, 3ds max, sketchup, rhino...
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3D Modeling for SKIP*HOP SPORK! – Injection Molding – Industrial Design
Back in January of 2014 in my cozy snow dusted studio in the Foothills of Boulder I sat working on this Spork Product Design project. Skip*Hop needed to their idea Surface Modeled in 3D quick! A project like this can...
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Jeep Wrangler SnowBoard Rack Keyshot Animation – Are you looking to animate your product vision?
This short video demonstrates my abilities to make your product vision a reality. We specialize in concept visualization and work all the way from a napkin sketch through to production or manufacturing. Get in touch today to see how we...
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Bring your concept to life. You have a product idea in your head but who can make it a reality?
Its the American Dream. You have an idea, you want to make it, sell it and become rich! Where do you start? With me! I can take your napkin sketch, your bare bones idea or your rough prototype and build...
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Solidworks Product Animation – Architects Task Light
This video shows off a product design that I created in Solidworks. Using Photoview 360 I was able to create a rendered animation that is very photo realistic. MLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry....
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Crescent Moon Snowshoe Binding
Over the summer (a very warm time to be working on a winter sports product) I was contacted by Crescent Moon Snowshoes, a local company in Boulder, Colorado that produces some of the highest quality snowshoes you can find on...
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Media Kiosk Design Rendering using Solidworks
This rendering was created using Solidworks and is currently being manufactured for the company Triminator. Below you can see more of my industrial design concept process and the other animation I created for Triminator to demonstrate their state of the art...
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