
Tea Kettle Concept Page Example
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When I start a new project it is often necessary to create several concept ideations to establish a design direction with the client. This page is an example of a rough design. It offers features, notes, some dimensions, some rendering...
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Kyle Cunniff 3d printing Blog 1
Solidworks for 3d printing functional prototypes for Industrial Design
I use Solidworks for 3d printing functional prototypes for Industrial Design. 3d printing has quickly become the norm for prototyping quick parts and prices have fallen dramatically to 3d print parts. Even software such as solidworks, 3ds max, sketchup, rhino...
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Bring your concept to life. You have a product idea in your head but who can make it a reality?
Its the American Dream. You have an idea, you want to make it, sell it and become rich! Where do you start? With me! I can take your napkin sketch, your bare bones idea or your rough prototype and build...
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I turn Patent drawings into product campaigns, fully rendered for marketing your invention!
Taking your idea all the way yourself: This can be a great route for those inventors who typically have more of a background with producing products and may even have an “in” already with potential buyers or manufacturers. Development for...
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