The Sell Sheet: (A shorter and often less expensive approach)


If you cannot convey your ideas in an impactful way, you are dead in the water. That’s the truth! When it comes to product licensing, sell sheets are the answer. A good sell sheet makes the person who views it think, “Wow! That’s interesting. I’d like to learn more.”- Stephen Key – Inventor coach

A sell sheet is usually a single page layout that shows your product idea photo realistically rendered, special features, scale and how its used. It presents all the information about your product like selling points, features and benefits and why it stands out. Here are some examples of sell sheets I created. This is a much lower cost approach to licensing your product than trying to manufacture your idea an going through the entire design development process all by yourself. The Sell Sheet is especially important when trying to license your product. By having one a buyer can quickly and easily understand what your product is and why its special.

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