In a recent article by IDSA (Industrial Designers Society of America) tried to answer that supremely detailed question all of us industrial designers struggle with, what is industrial design? Personally, ID is so broad its hard to put that answer into just one category but as you will read IDSA did break it down on their site into 32 very intricate step. While I’ll only list out a brief summary here I encourage you to goto their website direct for photos and a more detailed analysis.
Their main answer to the question: What is Industrial Design is here:
Industrial Design (ID) is the professional service of creating products and systems that optimize function, value and apperance for the mutual benefit of both user and manufacturer.
Industrial designers develop products and systems through collection analysis and synthesis of data guided by the special requirements of their client and manufacturer. They prepare clear and concise recommendations through drawings, models, and descriptions. Industrial designers improve as well as create, and they often work within multi-disciplinary groups that include management, marketing, engineering and manufacturing specialists.
The process, broken down into 32 steps detailed on their site is here:
1) Idea Sketch
2) Study Sketch
3) Referential Sketch
4) Memory Sketch
5) Coded Sketch
6) Information Sketch
7) Sketch rendering
8) Prescriptive Sketch
9) Scenario & Storyboard
10) Scenario & Storyboard 2
11) Layout rendering
12) Presentation rendering
13) Perspective drawing
14) Gen. Arrangement Drawing
15) Detail Drawing
16) Technical Illustration
17) Sketch Model
18) Design Development Model
19) Functional Model
20) Operational Model
21) Appearance Model
22) Assembly Model
23) Production Model
24) Service Model
25) Experimental Prototype
26) Alpha Prototype
27) Beta Prototype
28) Systems Prototype
29) Final Hardware Prototype
30) Off-Tool Component
31) Appearance Prototype
32) Pre-Production Prototype
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