Invention Sell Sheets
A product sell sheet is used in sales and product licensing to attract attention to a new product or invention. The goal of sending out a sell sheet is to make the buyer or manufacturer interested enough to call you back to discuss terms of buying or licensing the product. Whether you have a Patent, are Patent Pending or just want to get some interest for your idea prior to filing a patent, a sell sheet could be a great idea first step to acquire licensing for your product.
- Product Development
- 3d CAD Modeling
- Patents
- Licensing Your Idea
If you cannot convey your ideas in an impactful way, you are dead in the water. When it comes to product licensing, sell sheets are the answer. A good sell sheet makes the person who views it think, “Wow! That’s interesting. I’d like to learn more.''
- Client
- Do your research. Start with google search images for similar products and identify potential buyers.
- Industry
- It can be any type of product.
- Services
- My Sell sheets often involve digital 3d modeling CAD, then rendering and photo-Shopping images of the product in use, in an environment or detail renderings to highlight the products special features and benefits.
- Result
- Use your sell sheet as a low cost option to test viable interest in the market, practice your pitch with friends, use it as market research, gain partners, crowd source funding or license your idea.
Developing your sell sheet can involve 3d printing, exceptional rendering, or fantastic video. The process is customizable to your needs. Just send me an email with what your looking for.
Below are just a few examples of successful inventors with their products on the market.

- The Big Pitch
- Your intent at this point is to get companies to ask you for more information. Just that. Use your sell sheet to entice them to call or email you back. Don't give them everything! If you leave something out, they'll have to get in touch with you. That's why focusing on the big benefit of your concept, not how it works, looks or why it does what it does, is so important. Basically, you're teasing them.
- Sell Sheet As Your Big Ad
- Think of your sell sheet like a billboard in that you have but a very, very limited amount of time to convey a compelling message. Good sell sheets make people think right away, "Oh, I get it." Really, your sell sheet is just an advertisement — a way of relating the big benefit of your concept in a way that is immediately understood. This format works because it's familiar to the companies you'll be contacting for licensing consideration.
Lets create beautiful animations that highlight your product features
Its All Important But...
The good news is by hiring an experienced invention designer I can help guide you through the tangle of do’s and don’ts. The most important thing is a strong, clear message that is well defined on a sell sheet. While I have some examples of sell sheets listed on this page please get in touch if you want to see something more specific. I also encourage you to look through my portfolio to get a sense of how I work.